You can hear a lot of crazy stuff if you listen. I don’t mean some nut job mumbling to himself in the mall or something like that, I’m talking about stuff that will actually get on the news. Government officials, reporters, people getting interviewed, even business press releases, that sort of thing.
Take for instance this past week a man in Philadelphia who offered an ounce of marijuana as a reward for information leading to the recovery of his stolen laptop. When this didn’t get an response, he upped it to “a fabulous drug stash”. Neither he nor the police have any leads in the case. Oh, what about the drugs you ask? The article goes on to say that the guy was just trying to get attention to the cause, and that he didn’t seriously offer any drugs. You can read about it here if you wish: Drugs as reward for stolen laptop.
And of course you got all the craziness surrounding the Wikileaks thing. There’s no way for the general public to ever know what that’s all about. The truth is out there….somewhere. No need to post a link for this, it’s on every news site on the web, knock yourself out.
About the stupidest thing I’ve heard today though comes from somewhere besides Washington DC if you can believe that. No, really!! You can read about this here: Shark Attack. This comes from the Middle East…Egypt to be precise. Seems that an Egyptian government official, whose name I can neither spell nor pronounce has pointed a finger at Israel in what, if true, could be the most amazing bit of animal training ever achieved. It seems that there are a number of Red Sea beaches that have been closed for several days due to shark attacks. Such attacks are reportedly very rare at these particular locations and have resulted in the death of one swimmer and a number of others severely injured. This is of course a terrible tragedy, but to make it worse, Egyptian officials apparently believe that Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad is somehow responsible for making these sharks attack these tourists. Dogs have been trained for millennia to be weapons, as have horses and a few other animals. There are those who believe that our own Navy has experimented with using dolphins for nefarious purposes, but this takes the cake folks. Training fish to attack people? Come on…you can’t be serious. I am no shark expert by any stretch of the imagination but from what I’ve been able to gather, sharks are not deep thinkers. Eat, mate, swim…that’s about it. The decision making process is pretty well limited to fight or flight, and “is that something to eat”. Fight or flight depends on what it is and how many of them there are, and the eating question is usually determined by biting the object in question. If it tastes good, it gets eaten, if not, spit it out and look for something else. The mating question is even simpler…if she doesn’t bite me, mate with her. That’s about it folks. You are not gonna train a shark to attack tourists. They just ain’t that smart.
Trained attack sharks…right.
bryan thak you for these very interesting stories and comments