Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer and world politics

Seems that summer weather has roared into NW Arkansas all at once. After having record low temperatures in May and even some late season frost, this month so far has set some record high temperatures. Today’s highs will be in the 90’s and looks to be that way all week. That’s ok. I’ll take that over this past winter any day. At least I can keep the water and power on when it’s hot. Hard to do that when the power lines get coated with ice to the point that they can’t hold the weight anymore and break. And I got all of the wading waist deep snow last winter I will ever want, thank you very much. No need to repeat that…ever.
Let’s see, what’s going on in the world today? Looking over the headlines on the news services. Looks much the same as every day. Israeli and Palestinian forces are shooting at each other again. Or rather, still. There’s been an e.coli outbreak in Germany. Seems like with all our modern technology, this shouldn’t be possible, but it happens every week somewhere. There are of course the usual reports of all the fighting all over the Middle East and Africa. Various terrorist organizations and gangs of thugs are causing problems in every nation in the region. We are up to our eyeballs in a lot of it too. Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Kuwait, all have our troops actively engaged. The question is, however, is it doing any good for us to be there. Certainly it was necessary to take the fight with Al-Quaeda to their front door. No question about that. But should we be involved in Libya? What had they done that warranted US involvement any more than some of the others? If we are there because of crimes against humanity, then why do we ignore the other nations that are being run by ruthless dictators?
And what about the nations who have no leaders at all? Take Somalia for example. By what I can see on the news and talking with people who have actually lived there, that’s as lawless a place as there ever was. Shouldn’t we intervene? Shouldn’t the greatest nation in the world reach out to what may be the worst one in the world and fix it whether they want it or not?
The answer to those questions is……NO! We should not. At least not internally. I do believe that there should be some sort of multinational effort to put an end to the piracy that goes on there. No ship is safe that’s within the range of Somali pirates. There is too much shipping to escort every vessel, but a group of combat vessels from all the nations that have commercial interests in the region should be able to quickly knock out any of that activity. Will it happen? Probably not. That would make too much sense.
Oh well, they don’t listen to me much anyway. If they would, I could help them straighten this mess out!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. You forgot the bed bug outbreak. Don't think I will be staying in a hotel in New York. Said they are bad there on the new this morning.
    I think we should spend some of the money we blow overseas on the drugs and gangs here. The police here need more money.
