Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Harry Reid, Nevada Brothels and the end of the world.

Have any of you watched the news today? Or even looked at the headlines on the news services? If you have, you’ll know that the world has gone insane in the last few weeks.  If not, you need to take a look and see what’s going on around you.   I would particularly urge Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader to take a look. If the headlines I’m seeing are true, somebody needs to get that man in front of a tv or newspaper quick because he does not know what’s going on.
Let me explain why I think so.  We have Middle Eastern governments toppling like so many dominoes. Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria  and even Jordan have protesters marching in the streets demanding change, bloodshed and death everywhere.  There are reports of it happening in Iran, with Imahdikkahed, or whatever the president’s name is there threatening capital punishment for any who participate. Iraq is the same mess it’s been for the last 2 decades, and Pakistan is still trying to straddle the fence between being friends with the United States and continuing to support and aid all the terrorist groups that operate from there.  As a result, the stock market plunged more than 200 points today and crude oil shot up from an already inflated price of around $86 to over $93.  We have Americans and others being captured and murdered by pirates off Somalia’s coast, Democratic lawmakers now in 2 states hiding from Republicans, a national debt that will exceed the gross national product by the end of the year, businesses dying like flies, millions of Americans unemployed and losing their homes and that’s just a start. The last issue of this blog was all about government waste, we have a drug war going on in Mexico that has killed more than 30,000 people has begun spilling over into this country because of the wide open borders, and reports of Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations working with the drug cartels in Mexico to further threaten the United States.
So what is Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader worrying about?  Brothels in Nevada!  What in the hell is he thinking?  Why is he even talking about this with all the serious stuff going on the world? Granted, he is from Nevada, but he was elected to a federal post, not county commissioner.  Let the locals worry about local stuff, and get on with fixing the healthcare disaster, the national debt disaster, or any of the other national disasters we are facing. Do the job that your people elected you to do!  Who gives a rat’s ass if there is a brothel in Nevada?  China owns 2/3 of our nation and he’s worried about a brothel?  This mess in the Middle East will drive oil prices out the roof and topple our economy.  Iran continues to harass Israel, who won’t put up with much more and will take military action if the threatened much more.  That will quickly lead to an escalation the likes of which have not been seen.  You think the $4 a gallon gas was bad before, wait till it’s $10! That’s what all out war in the Middle East will do for you. And that won’t be all, folks.  How quickly we forget.  Skyrocketing fuel prices will cause skyrocketing prices on everything else.  Food, medicine, electricity, materials for the factories to run, feed for the chickens and cattle all will spiral out of control and we’ll be plunged into an economic depression that will make the Great Depression of 1929 look like an economic hiccup.
No one in this country can do very much about the conditions in the Middle East beyond preparing us for that eventuality, but Reid and the rest of the Senate along with our President and the House should be working on plans to protect us from the effects of all this.  They should be working to reduce our national debt, and cutting out all the ridiculous programs that I talked about last time.  They should be figuring out how to put Americans back to work and stop the landslide of foreclosures.  Instead, Congress is screwing around with stuff that should by definition be of local concern.  A past issue of this blog was about how the FCC wanted to set federal standards for local programming. I’ve talked at length of how the Department of Education has railroaded through laws like “No Child Left Behind” which has imposed federal standards on local schools, and how that has failed dismally, by the way.   Why all of a sudden is Congress so interested in meddling in local affairs?  Is it because they are so overwhelmed by the enormity of their jobs that they just can’t do it?  Is it because they simply don’t care about why they sit in those seats?  Some of both?  What’s next in this chain of events…having to get Congressional approval for building permits?   Can you see having to petition your Senator to sponsor a bill to get you a garage sale permit?  Congress, Reid included, needs to turn its attention to running the country at the national level and leave local affairs to the locals.
A $14 TRILLION national debt (that’s more than $45,500 per citizen) and the Senate Majority Leader is worrying about a few brothels in one state.
Why does R.E.M.’s “It’s the end of the world as we know it” keep running through my head?


  1. Great post . You sure know how to spread the good news. But you are right on all accounts.

  2. I like to be helpful when I can. Thanks for stopping by!
