My last post mentioned Tiger Woods and his adventures and how through his lack of self control and poor judgment he got to spend Christmas half a world away from his kids. Now Brett Favre is in hot water for harassing female masseuses. What is it about being rich and famous that makes these guys think they can do anything and there’ll be no repercussions? If the two that are after Favre now are successful, you’ll probably see women coming out of the woodwork to get their piece of the pie.
Well, at least the lawyers will have a banner year. This should greatly increase their incomes.
It gets worse than that though. The commander of the USS Enterprise, Capt. Owen Honors, may be relieved of duty over making some stupid videos. His supporters say he was just trying to relieve some of the boredom and tension that goes with being deployed in the Middle East. Detractors say he is a gay-bashing pervert. Whether the videos were offensive or not, a man in that position should know better. To clarify, Honors was not captain at the time, but was serving as the executive officer, which placed him second in command. If you are a professional or amateur comedian, people expect something offensive. Eddy Murphy has built a career being offensive. If you are in a position of authority either in the military, civilian government or the private sector, you take your career and your bank account in your hands when you do things like this. These days, there are people out there just waiting for a chance to bring someone down. You let people take photos or videos of you in compromising positions, enough money will allow those things to leak and you better be ready for it. Honors was a member of an elite group. There are only eleven aircraft carriers in our Navy, and the carrier is always at the forefront of our naval defense. Whatever his intentions, this will no doubt be a continuing embarrassment both for him and the Navy.
Back to silly television celebrities…let’s take a look at Gordon Ramsey for a minute. If you are not familiar with him, you’re probably better off. He is a famous chef, who now has a couple of television shows where he goes to different restaurants and eateries that are struggling to stay in business and miraculously fixes everything that is wrong and turns them profitable. He’s foul mouthed and has all the on screen personality of a sledge hammer but from what I’ve been able to gather, he knows his stuff when it comes to the food service industry. At any rate, even he is not immune to a bit of vanity. Saw a headline where he’s experiencing some difficulties, some complications I guess you could say, with a recent hair transplant procedure. Seems he’s had more than the normal amount of swelling, causing his face to puff up. His docs say it will pass in time. The article I read said he paid $45,000 for the procedure. Always did think he had “the big head” as my grandma called it. Forty-five grand just so he can continue getting haircuts. Could have gotten a new BMW 5-series for that.
Oh, I almost forgot. An update on the birds and fish that have been mysteriously dying in great numbers here in Arkansas…depending on which source you listen to, the dead birds number between three and six thousand, and the dead fish anywhere from seventy to one hundred thousand. Suffice it to say, lots of feathers and fins. The preliminary reports from the necropsies performed on the birds seem to indicate fright induced trauma. The likely culprit was New Year’s Eve fireworks that frightened a whole flock of roosting blackbirds into taking flight. The dead birds have injuries consistent with colliding with each other and objects on the ground like trees, buildings and the ground itself, as well as indications of elevated stress levels. There is now a report of a similar occurrence in Louisiana.
The fish at last report, were all of one species, that being the freshwater drum. They are bottom feeders, considered rough fish and can get quite large. World record is over 54 pounds and they put up quite a fight when taken on rod and reel. The die off appears to be some sort of disease that as yet has not affected other species. The fact that it is only one species makes it unlikely that this is a pollutant or some other man made calamity since those things would be extremely unlikely to target a single species. It’s more likely that they became overpopulated, and Mother Nature hit the reset button. More will be known when the test results come in.
Stay tuned boys and girls…more to come.
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